The use of EM (Effective Microorganisms) has become commonplace in the agriculture industry. Photosynthetic bacteria is one component of the effective microorganism category. It is often referred to as purple bacteria due to its color. Similar to implants, photosynthetic bacteria relies on the process of photosynthesis to convert the sun’s energy into valuable sugars. This particular type of bacteria is so efficient at this that it creates more sugars than it needs. It releases these extra sugars so that nearby plants and other effective microorganisms can utilize it as needed.


Where Are Photosynthetic Bacteria Used?

Photosynthetic bacteria can be used in a variety of agriculture applications. Currently, some of the most popular usages include rice fields, Allie vegetables, greenhouse cultivation, floriculture, fruit trees, and stock raising (including seafood). In most cases, photosynthetic bacteria and is applied directly onto organic matter added to cropping fields which reduces the time necessary to prepare bio fertilizers. Effective microorganisms can also be applied as a fertilizer spray or added to the water supply of an agricultural facility. Effective microorganisms are also being used to eliminate industrial waste because it can reduce the level of poisonous substances such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfides, and a variety of organic acids.

Key Benefits of Photosynthetic Bacteria

The use of effective microorganisms such as photosynthetic bacteria continues to grow in popularity because they provide a variety of key benefits to the agriculture and industrial industries.

Higher Yields with Less Chemical Fertilizers

The first benefit of using photosynthetic bacteria is the ability to generate higher yields while reducing the number of chemical fertilizers which are needed. Not only does this save money because photosynthetic bacteria are self-replicating, but it also makes it easier to partake in sustainable, organic farming methods.

Control Soil Degradation

A common problem in the agriculture industry is the slow but steady degradation of soil. Soil becomes thinner and contains less natural nutrients which are required by plants and animals. Photosynthetic bacteria provide valuable nutrients to the soil and a variety of different ways. Along with releasing access sugars produced by photosynthesis, when bacteria die it adds additional nutrients into the soil. In many cases, it has been shown to detoxify residual herbicides and pesticides in the soil as well. This encourages routing and flowering for all types of plans. Another soil related benefit is the ability to control the degree of soil moisture is Asian and nutrient absorption by surrounding plans. It accomplishes this by improving physical and biological properties of the soil and increasing soil ventilation.


The final benefit of using photosynthetic bacteria and agriculture is it provides an easily sustainable strategy. A common problem in the agriculture industry is farmers must constantly be changing how they fertilize and maintain soil health because soil can quickly become too basic or acidic for plants to thrive. Utilizing a combination of effective microorganisms creates an environment where the soil will naturally maintain a healthy nutrient balance.


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